
No Biggie. Just AirKraft One's Latest Mission of Mercy Bringing Half a Million Vaccines to El Salvador

I suppose I could be accused of being a tiny bit too favorable to Patriots ownership. I mean just because the Kraft family saved this franchise from leaving New England permanently without pro football, turned down the sweetest deal in history by refusing to move to Hartford to play for free in a taxpayer funded stadium, built a state-of-the-art palace with their own money, built a dynasty and then said I could call the boss RKK, might not be any reason to be kind to them, right? 

But then they go ahead and do things that make it impossible to find fault, even if you're looking for it. Using their jet AirKraft One to China and back to deliver 1.7 million desperately needed Covid masks when America's supplies were critically low. Rushing hundreds of thousands of those masks to New York City. All at Mr. Kraft's own expense. Giving 76 New England healthcare workers all expenses paid trips to the Super Bowl in Tampa. And now this latest mission of mercy:

Source -  The New England Patriots have once again put their team plane to good use during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Boeing 767 painted in team colors with “6X Champions” on the side arrived in El Salvador Tuesday to deliver a shipment of 500,000 COVID vaccines to the country.

A government Twitter account showed the plane landing at night and vaccines being unloaded. The communications secretary for El Salvador said the influx of vaccines would be a great help in the country’s fight against COVID.

Again, like I said, no biggie. I'm sure the owner of every pro franchise and every billionaire in America is doing the same. I bet these relief planes are flying in by the dozens all the time through the generosity of private benefactors just trying to do their share. And by that I mean only one franchise and one family is doing it. Under the cover of darkness, no less. Because they're just trying to do what's right, not what will gin up the publicity and the credit they deserve. 


So let all the other people with the means to help others in this ongoing crisis keep talking a good game while doing basically nothing. I'm sticking with my close personal friend as he conducts his own private foreign policy. Creates a one family Peace Corps. Operates a giant, flying, red, white and blue Doctors Without Borders, with six Lombardi Trophies on it's tailfin, angels on its wings and a half a million of life-saving goodwill as it's cargo. 

On second thought, I don't give the Krafts enough praise. I apologize for nothing.