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A New Surveillance Video Shows Aaron Donald Allegedly Breaking Up The Fight He's Being Sued For

This is why we use the word "allegedly" folks. Earlier this week it came out that Aaron Donald was being sued for beating the hell out of a man.

And now AD's lawyers have released the footage of the tail end of the fracas in an attempt to clear their client's name. That's all great, I don't know if there's enough context here to prove anything one way or another. But I do know that not nearly enough people are talking about the guy who ragdolled Aaron Donald right out of the scrum and pushed him 20-yards downfield. The Draft is a few weeks away, people are scrambling to put together one last pro day to really wow the scouts and raise their draft profile. No other prospects in this class have tape going up against the best defensive player in the world and effortlessly moving him out of the paint. I think Landon Dickerson just got leapfrogged for the best interior offensive lineman prospect in the whole damn draft. Is this who the 49ers were eyeballing at three all the while? Time will tell.