
Major League Baseball Has Officially Suspended Ryan Tepera And David Ross Even Though Nobody On The Brewers Got Hit

I guess the big news today in MLB or whatever is the suspension of Ryan Tepera - a faceless, nameless, overwhelmingly mediocre reliever for the cubs who threw behind Brandon Woodruff the other night. MLB is suspending him 3 games. Seems like a lot of games for not even hitting a guy but this is the world we live in. Everyone is a pussy. Nobody is safe from sensitivities. Major League Baseball sees an opportunity to send a message early and they overreach to the fact that even David Ross gets a game. Nobody on the Brewers got hit.

Meanwhile, the ultra conservative Cubs are confident enough in the budding rivalry to tweet out something like this.

Unbelievable is right. I don’t want to get into semantics but Willson hugs the plate. He slides hard. He’s the guy in the lineup who gets drilled. That’s the ying/yang of the game. He’s gonna get hit. Surprised at this point how personally he takes it this deep into his career. A healthy percentage of Rizzo’s OPS+ is dedicated to HBP’s. It’s not the end of the world.

Personally I think it’s beyond stupid to throw at Brandon Woodruff. Especially with all the perfect candidates in Milwaukee’s lineup to get drilled. Why go at the starting pitcher? That’s bush league. Brandon Woodruff isn’t a bad dude. He’s out there competing his balls off every start. That’s not a grudge guy looking for a beef. He’s just a big hillbilly that throws hard fastballs, and he’s caught up in the Cubs being absolute dog shit right now. So we point fingers and turns out we need to get mad at Brandon Woodruff?

Sorry guys. That shit worked for Dick Cheney but you’re not going to smokescreen me on April 15th. The real story is how bad the Cubs have been offensively and how it’s a fucking miracle they’ve won 5 games. Anything else is just a distraction. Hope this is the last time I hear about a Ryan Tepera suspension and I hope David Ross takes the 24 hour break to write up some kind of speech. You can’t be this bad then talk about anything other than how bad we’ve been.