
A-Rod Is Down REAL Bad, Filming Himself Listening To Cold Play While Looking At Pictures of Him and JLo

Fuck man that ruined my day. A-Rod is all of us going through our first break up. Okay maybe we haven't ended a relationship with Jennifer Lopez before, but same concept. Getting dumped out on the streets, blasting Cold Play while looking at a shrine of your ex-girlfriend. Tale as old as time. Superstar celebrities are just like us. He's probably going to watch The Time Traveler's Wife tonight on Netflix with a bottle of red and a box of tissues. Maybe a insta comment or two on some old pics. Maybe he'll buy a hockey team too while he's at it. These are tough times and we need to be there for A-Rod. 

The only way this gets worse is if he starts leaving the house a few hours everyday to talk to strangers. We need to save him before this point. 

I still feel like John Cena forgot he was on TV when he said this