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Man City's Security Chased Away A Group Of Dortmund Fans At 5:30am Because They Wouldn't Stop Setting Off 'Industrial Sized Fireworks' Outside The Team Hotel

[Source] - Witnesses have spoken of 'incredible bangs' which awoke residents – including members of Pep Guardiola's travelling party – at the Radisson Blu in Dortmund. 

Sportsmail understands that a gang of 17 set off the first batch of what have been described as 'industrial strength' fireworks at 2.45am. City's security staff immediately scrambled to the scene and patrolled the area. However, at 4.30am around seven members of the group returned to set off a second explosion in a separate area close to the hotel, which again awoke those inside.

Police were called and inspected the area, but it was City's own security who then foiled a THIRD attempt at 5.30am. The club's travelling staff spotted members of the gang returning and managed to chase them away from the area.

Gotta admit, I love this from both sides here. Dortmund and Man City play the second leg of their Champions League match today. Man City's got a 2-1 lead, but Dortmund's got that away goal in hand. So what happens? Dortmund fans know what to do. You win by any means necessary in soccer and really just in sports. They take matters into their own hands as they set off industrial sized fireworks. I have no idea what the difference is because I can't find video of it on Twitter, but I'm assuming it's more what you see for 4th of July or some shit. At least that's what I want to imagine it like. 

All in all a job well done. You set them off at 2:45, wake their ass up and have them on tilt. What I really love is the diabolical move to go back 2 hours later. That's the perfect amount of time. You know they are up for 20-30 minutes. There's probably calls within the hotel. Let them start to get a little more comfortable and then BAM more industrial sized fireworks to wake your ass up at 4:30. That's just next level thinking. That's Dortmund being a step ahead here. 

I will say, are we really surprised that police didn't find anything when they inspected the area? You're in Germany. The cops should be Dortmund fans here. Of course they don't want to find fireworks. I'm shocked Man City even called the cops. I'd just let my security team deal with it. No doubt that if you're working on the security team for a big time European soccer club you got a good amount of crazy in you. 

It's becoming tradition at this point, but I love it. This is how you make an impact on the game as a fan. You can't go out there and play for 90 minutes, so you keep Man City's ass awake for 90 minutes. Love every part of it.