
Ben Askren Went On Logan Paul's Show And Explained Exactly Why He's Going To Murder Jake In The Ring This Saturday

Watch the video. I know most of you won't, but I promise it'll be worth it. It's easily the most level headed, rational, exchange I've seen on the Askren/Paul fight so far. It might've even be too rational given the fact that they're trying to sell the fight. You can tell Logan wanted him to talk shit too and he wouldn't. He simply said, "I don't think he's that good." Which may or may not be true considering he hasn't fought anyone with any real experience. All we know is that Logan thinks Jake is better than he's being perceived due to the fact that he's been training for three years. Personally I'm on Ben's side here, anyone can throw a good one-two punch against someone with no fighting experience, but to do it against a guy whose been fighting for twenty-years is another story. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, as long as we have Snoop Dogg on the call things will be entertaining. He's also already allegedly bet $2 million on Jake to win so he's got some skin in the game. Oh well. I'm gonna watch this fight on Saturday regardless and you should too. Take it away, Snoop...



