
Grimes Musk Got A Nice Subtle Back Tattoo Of "Beautiful Alien Scars"



Some people get nice little tattoos of a date, a birthday perhaps, or the initials of a loved one. Maybe some song lyrics, perhaps a team logo, or an inside joke with a friend. And other people…well other people get their entire back in white ink to look like alien scars. 


I cannot pretend to know what alien scars are, but I respect Grimes' passion for them. I mean anyone that names her kid X AE A-XII is certainly not getting normal people tattoos. Nope, getting a full back of alien scars.

But this begs the question- is Grimes appropriating alien culture with this? Is the intergalactic council going to cancel Grimes now? Did she even ask if this is ok before doing it? Or….or is Grimes an alien herself? That also might be a possibility, and this is like when Samoans get their entire bodies tatted. 


If I had to guess, Grimes is at least part alien so this tattoo is ok. I am excited to see it when it heals. I don't know what white ink means, like does she now glow in the dark? I hope so. I fucking hope so too, dude.