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Nobody Has Ever Been More Determined To Do Anything In The World Than This Guy Who Hid In The Arena For 14 HOURS Before Streaking

I can't be the only one thinking this right? This was from yesterday's game with Man U and Granada in Spain. No, it's not Dallas Braden, it's a random Spaniard rolling around butt ass naked on the pitch. I know we get streakers all the time. But nobody has ever been as determined as this man. He hid in the arena for 14 hours. That's too long man. 

I have so many questions. Did he pack food and drink? If not, was he able to break into some concession stands? It's a game changer if you have access to concessions. There's just something that slaps different about nachos with that shitty cheese on it or a semi-warm pretzel or a hot dog. You just need to attack a concession stand if you're alone in an arena for 14 hours. That's step 1. Step 2 is sneaking into the locker room. Just hang out there for a little bit. Way better than sitting under the bleachers or wherever this guy hid. 

I just don't know what I'd wait 14 hours for. There's not much if anything. Streaking FOR SURE isn't one of them. Have everyone see my flaccid cock? No thank you. I don't want the world to see that. Do you know how weird it is just to see a soft dick flopping in the wind? There's a reason there should only be hot girls streaking like at the Champions League a few years back

Bagu Blanco. Shutterstock Images.


Bagu Blanco. Shutterstock Images.
BPI. Shutterstock Images.

14 hours. That's fucking dedication man.