
Turtle's Limited Edition Fukijama Sneakers Sold For $88K & Now I'm Sad I Don't Have $89K

I feel like I need to preface this by saying I'm not a shoe guy by any means. Never have been, probably never will be. There's just something about them that never tickled my fancy...I kind've look at them like cars. If they get me from Point A to Point B I don't really care how they look which I guess makes sense coming from someone who drives a Hyundai Elantra & starts wearing a new pair of Air Force Ones once every 2 years when the shoe begins to literally fall apart.

Now while I may not be a shoe guy...I SURE AM an Entourage guy. Some would even venture to say that I'm the biggest Entourage guy so if there ever happened to be a shoe that I'd lose my shit over you can bet your bottom dollar it's Turtle's customized fukijamas made famous in "What About Bob?" That beautiful gold and graffiti design will make any shoe lover go crazy let alone an Entourage guy. 

This is just the worst time in my life to not have 89k in my bank account solely so I could've purchased those shoes. Would have been right up there with dream TV show props to own with one of Tony Soprano's bowling shirts & Larry David's freak book. Iconic stuff all around. I just hope everyone knows if Ari Gold's paintball gun ever goes on sale I will sell my soul to satan to acquire that. That is all.