
All I Can Do Now Is Root For Dak To Fail Miserably





I spent this morning looking up old tweets about Dak Prescott. Why? Because I need him to fail, and looking up tweets from when he was really bad made me happy. Look, I'm a realist. His game has developed since he couldn't throw the ball downfield. He had a good 2019 and got off to a great start last year before the injury. But my light at the end of the tunnel is the Cowboys just made a generational mistake. My hope, my prayers, are that this Dak signing is a ginormous bust. That the Cowboys can never win with how much money they have tied up in Dak, Zeke, and Amari. That this Dak contract handcuffs the organization, makes them money-strapped for years to come, and the Cowboys suffer for the next decade. 

Don't get me wrong, I love when guys get paid. Makes me happy. And I have nothing personal against Dak, so good for him for getting that bag. But what do I love more than when guys get paid? When guys get paid and FAIL. When dudes sign ginormous contracts and are absolute busts. That's even better. And that's what we need to happen here. We need Dak to become Flacco 2.0, where his contract is a running joke in the NFL for years to come. We need everyone to laugh at this contract when the Cowboys don't win a Super Bowl because they can't build a defense due to the amount of money they're paying him. 

The irony of all of this is not lost on me. I want the WFT to find a franchise QB and pay him every last cent in the universe. I have never seen that happen in my lifetime. But the difference is I'd root for him to succeed and take me to the Super Bowl, while in this situation I am rooting for chaos and failure and disaster. The duality of sports.

So congrats to Dak on getting rich and worst of luck to the Cowboys, may you have years upon years of bad luck and worse records.