
The Barstool Fund - East Hills Cleaners

Up next: East Hills Cleaners (East Hills, NY)

East Hills Cleaners provides state-of-the-art equipment and cleaning methods for all of your needs. They professionally clean and expertly finish each garment. In addition to your casual and business clothing, they can safely clean all types of fabrics and items.



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I have been in the dry cleaning business for over 30 years and my father, who is 90, has been in it since 1961. He started the business in New York City and then we eventually moved it to Long Island. My father is 90 years old and still coming into the cleaners because he the most genuine type of small businessman. He loves the employees and customers and during this time, his energy gives off great hope. Since the beginning of East Hills Cleaners, we have provided quality retail cleaning to hundreds of customers. Never in my whole career have I experienced something like this. The pandemic has taken a huge toll on small businesses and the government has not recognized that, so I thank the barstool fund for doing what they have not. My main priority as an owner of a small business was to hire back my employees once the business picked up, though it is still down 45% on the year. They are a GREAT CREW! I keep them on payroll because they are diverse and living the American dream by working hard and being great role models for their kids. It would mean a great deal to me, my father, our employees, and customers if we were granted the money. Any money that the fund could offer would go a long way in helping to keep the dry cleaning business that has been in my family for 60 years.

