
Wild Video Of A Grandma Chasing Down And TOSSING A Dude Who Tried To Steal Her Purse

I am being 100% serious when I say I genuinely cannot think of a more embarrassing series of events if you're a thief. Not only is your victim three times your age, she's twice as fast and six times as strong. The poor guy thought he got away too and ended up flat on his face. Look at this shit...

What do you think was going through his head? Why didn't a bring a weapon? I need a new job? Who knows. The best part is once she won she just casually walked away purse-in-hand like nothing happened…

She probably didn't even call the police. Good for her. Let this be a lesson to all the would-be robbers out there to never judge a book by it's cover. Never. Now take it away, Euphegenia…




