
This Teenager Who Solved A Rubik's Cube In Under Six Seconds Can Honestly Go To Hell


Daily Dot – Most of us couldn’t complete a Rubik’s Cube without cheating, but Feliks Zemdegs did it in just six seconds, an almost godlike record for such a complex task.

The Australian teen won his second Rubik’s Cube World Championship in a row in Sao Paulo, Brazil, over the weekend, completing a 3x3x3 cube in 5.69 seconds, just under the world record.

“The win was also really nice as well,” Zemdegs said. “Because I won last time, I was sort of less nervous this time because I had already won one so that sort of helped a bit, but yeah it was obviously really cool.”


I know he’s a teenager and this is primarily muscle memory rather than real puzzle solving at that speed but that blasé attitude towards something so insanely impressive just doesn’t sit well with me. I mentioned this as some metaphor in another blog but Rubik’s Cubes are one thing I’ve never even gotten CLOSE to figuring out. I honestly don’t even understand how this is possible. I just looked at Rubik’s own website that tells you how to solve the Cube and may have actually drooled on my computer with how blankly I stared at it. I get how it’s possible to catch a touchdown, dunk a basketball, even play a concerto. But this? I’d probably burn this kid at the stake just to be safe. Who knows what he’s capable of?


Also I obviously have no clue what a Rubik’s Cube World Championship in Sao Paulo looks like but at least one of the chicks in this crowd must have thrown their panties at Feliks after this right? I’m floored that the guy-girl ratio is anything under 99:1 here:


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