
My Main Man Broussard Is Officially Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place

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Well fuck. I literally just switched to team Broussard like 45 minutes ago and then he goes and gets stuffed in a locker by Cuban. I would say just post a fake screenshot of a text but there is no chance Broussard knows how to do that. Gotta think fast Chris because the #BrouCrew is starting to fade and fade fast. It’s basically me (I hate Broussard but I now love him because he is so dumb that he makes me laugh), and a bunch of Church people that probably don’t even give a fuck about the NBA. Can someone explain to me how to #DefendTheWall? Do you just tweet from vacation and have your male co-worker take pictures of your naked body? Any help would be appreciated because Broussard and Big Cat are taking on water and taking on water FAST.




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