
Governor Cuomo Officially Shuts Down Indoor Dining In New York City Starting Monday

Source - Indoor dining will shut down yet again in New York City on Monday due to a resurgence of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday.

Cuomo, during a virtual press briefing, explained that the Big Apple’s coronavirus-related hospitalization rate has been dramatically increasing over the last two weeks.

Earlier this week, Cuomo said that if New York’s hospitalization rate has not stabilized, indoor dining will be closed or reduced.

Indoor dining has been operating at 25 percent capacity in New York City since it was permitted to reopen on Sept. 30.











I think it's safe to say we all saw this one coming, it was only a matter of time until it became official. To be honest, I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. The numbers have been steadily and rapidly increasing for a while now. I just hope the restaurant industry (or what's left of it) can survive. Hundreds of restaurants and businesses across the city have already permanently shut down and the ones that remain are hanging on by a thread. Erika spoke about it on Token the other day...

You can listen to the whole episode here

Dave also just did a twitter rant on it a few minutes ago…

The good news is, restaurants have basically built "outdoor dining" facilities in the bus lane that are essentially indoor dining rooms. Hopefully that's enough to draw people in so they can keep their heads above water. Fingers crossed this vaccine does the trick and we can start getting back to normal sooner rather than later. Sad stuff.