
Chad Ochocinco Used To Call The Bengals Coaches At 2am Just To Tell Them He Was Open And Then Hang Up Immediately

Goddamnit I hate how much I love this image. Hue Jackson and Marvin Lewis getting home from a tough day at the office dealing with Mike Brown. They get home to their wives and finally get into their bed. Everyone knows there's no better feeling than the moment you get into your own bed. They nuzzle into their spot, the room preferably cold so you can really bundle up under the blankets. Then the phone rings.

You see the name 'Chad' and you know you have to pick up. This could literally be anything. You also have to remember that Chad Ochocinco was really fucking good. What if he had a crazy night at MLTs? What if The Oak was out of smoked wings and he the line at McDonald's was too long? What if he had some bad Skyline? Endless amount of problems. 

'Coach. I'm open' *click*

I would lose my mind. Every week you know you're getting that call but you can't sleep with your phone on silent. Now 

Giphy Images.

To be fair, Chad was open. In fact he was open quite a bit

This look by Hue says it all though: 

That's the exact moment when Chad asks if he remembers it. Buddy, he still has nightmares about it. He fears going to sleep every night with nightmares of his phone ringing and Chad just fucking with him. I don't blame him one bit. In fact, his run in Cleveland is starting to make more sense. The guy didn't sleep for years. He couldn't go be a head coach like that. 

That said, I hope Chad laughed after every time because it's fucking funny. Hanging up right after you said you were open too makes it even better. 
