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In Today's Edition Of Pray For Fathers Everywhere: Now Chicks Are Sending Exit Survey's To Their Hookups.

Our boy Niall from across the pond nailed this tweet in 33 characters. 

Girls will do anything nowadays to come across as zany and hilarious. They're constantly trying to one up each other. Some are calling it the Call Her Daddy effect. 

This is just par for the course. 

Talk about ways to make a hookup really awkward the next day and all but guarantee the guy never wants to see or speak to you again. No guy wants to be the subject of a podcast, or an Instagram post, or just gossip in general. Actually, no normal guy I should say. There's this new breed of tik-tok weirdo's that were held by their mothers even less than Russian newborns that crave any and all attention they can get. Land one of those guys and they would probably spend 3 hours filling this survey out and reviewing each and every answer before submitting their response. Then praying and encouraging the girl to post it, or send it into "betches" or some shit so they can get their 15 minutes. 

Come to think of it, is Niall one of those guys? 

Did he put this together himself? Is Lily just a Kaizer Soze character he invented to dupe 34,000 people on the twitter?


Anything is possible nowadays. 

Then again I could just be trying to come up with other options to convince myself my good friends with daughters aren't doomed in the coming years. 

Either way, I'll keep you guys in my prayers.