
Evan Turner Is On His Way Back To Boston!

Brian Babineau. Getty Images.

I'll be honest, my brain is still so on edge with any Shams/Woj bomb that mentions the Boston Celtics that when I first read this tweet I was confused as hell. I read it as he was signing on to ya know, join the active roster. Considering there is no open spot, I was very very confused. But I'll tell you what, I love the move of bringing in Turner as an assistant coach. Why not? First and maybe most importantly, the man is a quote machine. During his time in Boston Evan Turner was a must listen to when he was in front of the mic. I imagine we'll get more of that this season. Maybe he'll do the halftime interview. In fact, it should now become required.

I won't try and tell you that Evan Turner's time in Boston was perfect. We were all frustrated at times with his play. Lot of dribbling/turning it over/missing midrange shots in big moments that he never missed during the regular season. But that's OK. The man was part of the process that really jumpstarted their rebuild. Winning 40 games in 2014 (up from 25) as part of the first version of the Isaiah Era, then backing that up with a solid 10.5 points off the bench for the 48 win team in 2015. He never really complained about his role from what I remember, and he got his ass paid by Portland as a result. 

I look at this second unit and I see a bunch of guys that are in need of player development. I'd LOVE for Evan to help develop Romeo's midrange game. This second unit needs scoring help and you may as well bring in a guy that has shown to make an impact off the bench in his career. I see no downside.

And while I don't know the exact rules or the specifics, it's possible that if shit goes crazy and the Celts need an emergency 10 Day guy or something, just sign him. He's already on board! I'm not even totally sure if that's allowed in the league but I don't see why not. He's only 31! It wasn't too long ago he shot 46% from the floor in 73 games in Portland (2018). I'm all for creative ways to help fill out your roster. I bet you didn't see a player/assistant coach as an option! 

So when you combine his skillset and what he can help teach the younger guys with his unbelievable ability to deliver in front of the mic, this is a fantastic hire while also giving you an emergency option if shit hits the fan. Everything coming up Ainge once again!