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See Why People Are Having A Field Day With This SUPER Jersey Mansion On Zillow

Why yes, yes I do want to see some shit. 

Every now & then something truly magical pops up on Zillow like the Philly 'burbs sex dungeon house or the Kentucky listing with a never ending maze of nightmarish nooks & crannies jam-packed with bootleg films... 

This particular house in Colts Neck, NJ is slightly less threatening but well worth perusing nonetheless. The tour starts out normal enough but the more you click the more its gaudy, hyper-Jersey, mafia-Aunt style begins to suffocate you, and folks on Twitter can't get enough of the details. 



Highly recommend scrolling through all 72 photos yourself & finding unique features like the endless supply of pastel khaki shorts. Not gonna lie - the pool is SWEET, even if the grotto is full of ceramic bible characters, and the sauna in the wacky gym is a cool touch, even though there's funeral flower wreaths by its door?? 

And apparently it's only had one owner this entire time (financing stuff accounts for all the 'solds'). Would love to sit down with them & hear what their deal is.