
Grade This Stephen Colbert Spoof Video of Donald Trump


Honestly I give it a B-. Parts of it made me chuckle, but nothing really beyond that. I don’t know how much people have been paying attention to it, but Colbert lately has been releasing these sorts of viral videos, podcasts, and even an app to hype his new CBS Show that will be on the air sometime roughly in the 2030’s (it seems like anyway). This is sort of my fear for what Colbert could become as the heir of David Letterman; yeah this video is funny because he’s a funny guy with a good Donald Trump impression, but it just doesn’t have the same bite as a similar bit on the Report would have. I mean his last Trump impression he did on his old show was offering the Donald a million dollars to lick his balls on film. Clearly this isn’t quite there. While I know no one gives their talent the type of creative freedom to say absolutely whatever they want as Comedy Central (it’s awesome/incredible some of the stuff you see Trey Parker and Matt Stone , Anthony Jeselnik before his show got cancelled, and Amy Schumer get away with in this hyper-sensitive PC world we live in), I hope CBS doesn’t neuter Colbert to the point where he’s just a glorified Jay Leno. It’s already tough seeing the Report and a Stewart-led Daily Show go, and that would be compounded and made so much worse if it turns out it was all for just another late show that’s acts as an unofficial public relations agency for celebrities promoting their upcoming projects instead of something groundbreaking and hilarious. Let’s cross our fingers.