
Kellen Winslow vs. Antonio Cromartie...Round 2...FIGHT!


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Today, 24 hours later:

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You know Kellen Winslow was in the shower this morning rehashing this whole argument. Just playing it over in his head thinking about what he could have done differently. And then a lightbulb went off. Kellen with a huge “You know what I should have said??” moment. Surprised he didn’t hop on the computer and tweet at Cro “The Jerk Store called, they’re running out of you!” Cromartie hit him with the perfect “dad” set up yesterday and Winslow just whiffed. Elected to go with the “I’ll fight you” routine instead of going for the jugular with his litter of bastard children.

Happens to the best of us, Kell. But when you miss the opportunity, you miss the opportunity. You can’t tweet that joke 24 hours later and expect it to have the same result. Expect the “Well I had sex with your wife!” sometime tomorrow around lunch.