
In Honor Of Chief Interviewing Stan Bowman, Here Are Some Questions I Would Love To Ask Danny Ainge

If you haven't watched any of the clips/listened to Chief's interview with Stan Bowman, I suggest you change that immediately. Even someone like myself, who doesn't know a goddamn thing about hockey or the Chicago Blackhawks, found it to be incredible. Highly, highly recommend it. What makes it so interesting is because Chief really cares. It wasn't some fluff interview. I'm sure Blackhawks fans appreciate how he handled that interview.

That's what makes Barstool different. We're just normal ass people with a sweet ass gig. We're irrational and care way too much about our favorite teams. I know I do. It's the only way I've ever lived. We're able to talk how we feel in any given moment. So then I started thinking of what I would say and ask the GM of my favorite sports team. Danny Ainge. Maybe one day I'll get the chance, but after thinking about it, here are a few things that I would love to ask Danny while knowing he would give me nothing but non-answers because that's what he does.

1. Were there other options you could have used your assets for other than trading for Kyrie Irving? What did he see at the time that made him think Kyrie was the missing piece?

While I was maybe the only person on the planet who thought trading for Kyrie was a lateral move, I'd be curious to know what other options there may have been to use those assets on. I know there's no way Ainge would say he regrets the move, at the time he thought it was going to work out, but I'd be curious to know what he saw. Was it just that he was a big name? Was he under the spell of Kyrie's handles? I wanna know.

2. Are you capable of making a trade where you aren't the overwhelming winner?

Trader Danny right? Well, where has that man been. I'm not someone that thinks Ainge has to make trades just to make them, but I also do think he's hesitant to make any sort of move where he wouldn't come out as the overwhelming winner. I'd love to ask him about that.

3. Do you regret not making moves at either of the last two trade deadlines? What do you wish you would have addressed and why were you so reluctant?

Last year it was too many mouths to feed, guys not accepting their roles, and overall a bad batch of team chemistry. This year it was some glaring positional needs. Either way Ainge stood pat. 

4. If not, what role do you see Robert Williams playing and what does he need to do to get consistent minutes?

I feel like maybe Ainge didn't do anything because he has Timelord, but then Timelord doesn't play. If Brad isn't going to use him, Ainge should probably get something for him.

5. What are your honest thoughts on Marcus Smart's shot selection and how do you keep that in check?

No way he would tell the truth, but I'd have to ask

6. What does he attribute their inability to execute late in games to. Poor coaching? No strategy? Players choosing to iso? How do you fix that.

Just watch the highlights of this year's playoffs and you'll see what I mean. Clogged toilet offense like you read about and there was obviously a reason. Either Brad crapped his pants or the players did. We need answers on that one.

7. What does he feel this team needs to get over the hump and finally break through to reach an NBA Finals and why haven't they been able to do it so far?

There is no shame in being in the final four year after year. Plenty of teams would love to have that problem. But at some point ya gotta break through. 

8. What is his plan to compete with elite teams in the league if the NBA shifts away from positionless basketball back to a more traditional lineup with a standard big?

The NBA is fluid. How teams play basically revolve around whoever lives at the top of the mountain. When it was the Celts Big 3, the rest of the league learned that was how you had to build a title contender. When it was the Warriors, everyone tried to copy them. Now with the Lakers on top and some of the elite teams in the league not really playing the Warriors style, how is Ainge going to adapt to whatever the league looks like next given their current roster/contract situations?

9. Do you feel like having defensive liabilities at the point guard position limits this team's ceiling?

There was Isaiah, there was Kyrie, and now there's Kemba. All great offensive talents, all guys who got hunted in the playoffs. That's an issue and one that Ainge has always seemed to shrug off. 

10. Does Brad have a job for life?

I hope so, but I'd like to get it on record.

11. Are you going to hire Timi The Highlight God or what?

Celts fans reading this blog know who I'm talking about. Timi The GOAT is a legend and the best Celtics clip maker on the internet. If anyone deserves the opportunity for some sort of film/digital media role with the Celts, it's that man.

12. At what point did he know the chemistry was fucked in 2018-19 and what responsibility does he take for that?

A dumpster fire basically from the beginning of the year, Ainge had his opportunities to fix it and he just let it ride. Why?


There are more but you get the idea. I don't know how an opportunity like this would ever come about, but know that if it ever did I would 1000000% crowdsource some fellow Celts fans questions from the blog beforehand that you want answers to. After all, I'm just a regular ass fan and a man of the people and your voice deserves to be heard too.