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Christina Aguilera's Album "Stripped" Turned 18 Today. What Is Your Favorite Memory Of It?

Great question, Xtina! Can I call you Xtina? If so, do I pronounce the X or is it more a cool symbolism thing, like RE2PECT?

Anyway, I had no clue "Stripped" turned 18 today for a multitude of reasons:

1. I didn't know Christina Aguilera's album was called "Stripped". To be fair, I couldn't tell you the album titles of any of those pop stars from the late 90s/early 2000s outside of Britney Spears' first album being Baby One More Time because I was obsessed with her. After looking it up, I remember the "Stripped" cover because it looked like a homage to when ladies let it grow down low.

But the name escaped me until the minute I saw that tweet.

2. 18 years ago will forever be roughly 1996 in my mind. It's been that way since 2014 and will not change until the day I die. And since I know this album did not come out in 1996, I am shocked it is legal. Sorry, I shouldn't use the word legal about when something turns 18. I always thought that shit was creepy as fuck even when we lived in the lawless internet of the early 2000s, which were fun as hell even if it had the seedy look of a New Jersey boardwalk looking back now.

Oh right, back to Xtina's Christina's Miss Aguilera's question. I guess the Dirrty video? Watching that video changed my life as well as millions of other lives, hearing this song come on at a party or bar or club when you were dancing with someone on a dance floor while hormones raced through your body was pretty much the best thing that could happen to you, and Redman was a part of it. Who doesn't Redman? Ironically, probably communists. Plus you clicked the blog knowing you were going to get this video, so who am I to disappoint the Stoolies?