
Big News: Pornhub Is Set To Film The First Porn In Space



Metro – They say that in space no one can hear you scream – but that won’t be the case for Porhhub’s ‘sextronauts’, who could be the first people ever to have sex in space.

Pornhub today announced plans to film the first-ever sex tape in space, with ‘blast-off’ set for late 2016. The company aims to raise $3.4 million via crowdfunding site Indiegogo.



Well that’s one small step for man, and one giant skeet for mankind. Everyone who was alive in 1969 can probably tell you exactly where they were when they saw man land on the moon for the first time. Such a monumental moment in human history and one that will be remembered forever. Well now it’s our turn. Because in 50 years from now, you’re going to be able to tell your children and your grandchildren exactly where you were the first time you jerked it to Sexplorations, the first ever pornog to be filmed in space. And whose astrocock is set to star in Sexplorations? Johnny Sins of course.


Sure, Neil Armstrong may have been the first man to step on the moon. But Johnny Sins is going to be the first man to be filmed B-ing his L on some T’s in orbit so advantage Sins here. Gonna be hilarious to see how the money shot goes down with zero gravity. It’s actually going to be hilarious to see how any of it works with zero gravity. This is a huge moment for science, really, and Pornhub is leading the charge. And I can only imagine that all the free pageviews they’ve been getting from Pornhub Comments of the Week are paying for the majority of the bill here. You’re welcome, guys. Maybe just shoot me an invite to the first screening and we’ll call it even. But yeah, what a time to be alive. And even though it may end up not be the greatest video of all time, you know you’re still gonna watch it just out of curiosity. Even if it’s just for the scenery. Space is awesome.

FWIW, I really wish we got to see Sandra Bullock get after it a little in Gravity.
