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This Guy Fucking RULES

You know when you are just having a great day? The sun on your face, the wind at your back, and for just a little while everything feels alright? Well this guy's vibe took your great day and wiped his ass with it as he drinks in life with his Cran Razz Ocean Spray mixer (along with whatever else may be inside) while casually revealing his appreciation for the finest culture with a couple of feather head tattoos and some of the finest tunes on this crazy planet of ours has ever churned out while slowly skating down the freeway. Friday Energy on a hundred, thousand, trillion in a time where Friday Energy is at an all-time low. Being that happy in 2020 is like posting a sub-1 ERA in the Steroid Era. It should be impossible.

Which is why not only am I going to reinstall Tik Tok on my phone and let the Chinese government have its way with any personal information they can get their hands on. But I'm also gonna bookmark this tweet on my computer and open it during whatever chaos the next few months of this shitty year unleashes on my soul because @420doggface208 is clearly the sherpa of my happy place after essentially created the 2020 version of Charlie Bit Me.

Bet you didn't see that video coming, especially after I blogged it this morning