
Jeremy Renner Had A Good Explanation For Why He Called Black Widow A "Slut," Will 100% Have To Apologize Again


Cosmo – Earlier in the Avengers: Age of Ultron press tour, Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans got called out for calling Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow character a slut. In statements to EW, they apologized for their derogatory jokes — but Jeremy’s apology seemed more forced than sincere. “I am sorry that this tasteless joke about a fictional character offended anyone,” he said.

Now his apology seems even less sincere, because he went on Conan last night and called Black Widow a slut — again. “Mind you, I was talking about a fictional character and fictional behavior,” he said. “But Conan, if you slept with four of the six Avengers, no matter how much fun you had, you’d be a slut.”


A week or so ago I blogged the video of Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans jokingly saying that Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow character was a “slut” and called they’d have to apologize within 24 hours and of course they did. Now it’s a few weeks later and Jeremy Renner got to explain himself and the rationale is even more reasonable than it initially seemed. She’s got six coworkers and banged out two thirds of them. Even if you’re going to not call that “slutty” it’s definitely not ideal workplace behavior even if your job is fighting aliens and sentient robots while in spandex. I’ve been at Barstool a year now and had sex with literally zero coworkers, difficult though that may be, because I know that type of behavior is frowned upon. If this fictional lady can’t keep up with basic career etiquette then she deserves all the slings and arrows thrown her way. Keep it put away in your leather jumpsuit, Black Widow, it’s called being a professional.


Also, serious question, isn’t this really just the writers/comic book nerds who created the character’s fault? You’ve got one strong female character and she’s just filling up every hole with superpowered dick at every turn. It’s not really the fault of an actor who clearly kind of hates that he’s signed up to do this that he’s pointing out a real obvious problem in this now-massive industry. The Jezebels of the world should thank Jeremy Renner for making the case that maybe dudes who never touched a tit growing up shouldn’t be in charge of writing strong female role models.