
There Is No Excuse For Tim McGraw To Be This Swoll




via tmz

Whoa there, Tugger Jr. At least mix in a leg day, cowboy. There’s no reason to get that cut up at 48-years-old when you’ve already locked down one of the best biddy’s in the business. ESPECIALLY when you’re a country music singer and have the right, nay, duty to drink your face off 24/7. Timmy could and should be the Lord Of The Dadbod for the common man. I guess this means one thing and one thing only, get ready for Timmy incorporating Crossfit lyrics into his songs. You don’t get that greased with a kettleball without bringing it up every opportunity you get.

Apparently McGraw turned to the weights once Faith Hill confronted him about being a booze hound. That might as well be a career killer. Singing about beer should be a commandment in country music. Now give me Eric Church or give me death.