
Girl Who Had Been Paralyzed For 11 Days Surprises Her Nurse By Walking In a Nice Feel-Good Video


Our daughter, Bailey, had complete paralysis from the waist down for 11 days with no explanation as to why. This video is of one of her favorite nurses coming onto her shift and not knowing that Bailey had started walking this day.


Wait. All video aside. Paralysis for 11 days with no explanation? That’s a thing that can happen? What the fuck man? What the fuck? Imagine waking up tomorrow and not being able to walk. And they just have no clue why. Yep, legs just gave up on you. Peaced out. Sounds horrifying. And then this girl 11 days later ho hum pops on out of her wheelchair like she’s Jesus rising from the dead. Surprised the black woman didn’t run down the hallways like she just saw a David Blaine magic trick.


PS: It was nice of the nurse to pray for her that whole time. Job well done. But if I was one of her other patients who didn’t get their walking back I’d be real pissed.