
California Congressman Tells Protestor "Hey, Touch Me Again, I'll Drop Your Ass"

Simi Valley, CA – Congressman Steve Knight held an open house at his Simi Valley office. He would not allow a group of protesters in his office but met with them outside after his event ended.

Touch him again! Do it! Somebody please touch him! Oh man I needed to see this turn into a knockout video so bad. Larry the Immigrant Hater putting his sign down and sneaking up behind Congressman Knight and tapping him on the shoulder then getting obliterated while someone yells “World Star.” Need it, need that spark. Politics are so stale now, so boring. Right wing, left wing, independent, moderate, I don’t care, it’s all the same. Too much talking and debating, not enough haymakering. Got a feeling Knight would follow through with it too, guy looks like he doesn’t make threats, he makes promises. Protestor asses getting dropped left and right.

PS – Is there anyone worse in the world than this guy?

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The “I’m just going to stick my phone 1 inch away from your face and do nothing but smugly smirk for 10 minutes” guy.