
Dude Squashes A Wolf Spider With A Broom And All Hell Breaks Loose




Two options:


Option 1: Burn the house down/maybe the entire neighborhood and start from scratch


Option 2: Kill yourself



That’s it.  Those are the only options going forward.  I’d lean towards killing myself if we’re being totally honest.  It doesn’t feel as real on a YouTube video but if I was there and witnessed those spider babies in person?  Dead.  Close the garage and fire up the car.  Because no matter what you do, where you are, how many sheep you count you’ll never get a full night of REM sleep again.  It’s over.  You’re now just a person who sleeps 45 minutes a night and spends the rest of your time in bed swatting away (real or imagined) baby spiders.  That’s no life too live.  It’s not a life at all.  So either end it all or forever be beholden to thousands and thousands of baby spiders.