
Buckingham Palace Guard Eats Shit, Someone Please Put England Out Of Its Misery







Cancel England, cancel the entire country, they’re a complete joke now. Seriously what the fuck do they have left besides being our Best Friend? Nothing. And the worst part is we’re just friends, like England introduces us to everyone in the world as “our best friend America” and we sort of sit there and roll our eyes and say yeah we know England, they’re alright. And now you have this? The Buckingham Palace guards, the guys that take their job SUPER seriously, eating shit in front of a bunch of people? What a joke. If I’m Obama I’m not returning any texts or gchats from Tony Blair. Nows the time to put some distance between us. The funny hat guards that don’t talk is the only thing England had left and they can’t even do that right. Yeesh, awkward.




h/t Isaac