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Weekend Wake Up: The Swamp Honors Tom Petty By Belting Out "I Wont Back Down" During A Gators Game

I was talking with a buddy the other day and he said he never realized how many hits Tom Petty had. Everything the guy touched was gold. Petty's best of CD could go round for round with anyone else. You'd be hard pressed to find a song you would skip. "Free Falling", "I Won't Back Down", "Learning To Fly", "American Girl", "Breakdown", "You Don't Know How It Feels", "Running Down A Dream", "Wild Flowers", "The Waiting", "Don't Come Around Here No More", "Mary Jane's Last Dance", "Don't Do Me Like That", just hit after hit after hit. Since he was born in Gainesville, home of the Gators, it was only right that after he died in 2017 they started to sing his songs during the game. Quite the performance here by the Gators fans, a real classy gesture they do. Belting out "I Won't Back Down" during a timeout and yelling it as loud as they can. Really cool scene down there in the swamp. Fucking love me some Petty, perfect summer time music.