
CJ McCollum Has Bet Lou Williams $10,000 That The Browns Finish At Least .500 This Year

I know the low hanging fruit here would be to say that this isn't gambling, but rather it's a "competition problem". But my thing is: this isn't either of them. This is called SAFE INVESTING. Guaranteed rate of return. Like a savings bond but with a quicker time of maturity. But no matter what you call it, CJ McCollum just became $10,000 richer.

How in the world does Lou Williams agree to saying the Browns won't have a .500 record......? Must be nice to sign $24 million deals and be able to toss $10K down the toilet whenever you want. Look, I'm not going to go game by game for you right now because the official comes out tomorrow night and I'll do it then, but in what alternate universe does this team not go 8-8 against this group of opponents?

Their opponents this year had a .461 winning percentage last year, good enough for 4th lowest in the NFL. Is this schedule a bakery, because all I see are a bunch of cupcakes. Just alone you've got at least 4 wins vs. the Bengals and Steelers. Jets....Jags....Raiders....Redskins....Colts...Giants. There's 10 wins off the cuff. And you're telling me we don't have a darn good chance of beating the Texans at home? Or the Ravens like we did 45-20 last year?

This team has a better chance of going 16-0 then going 7-9 again. Mark my words.

That is, if there even is a season. Live look at CJ McCollum when the Browns finish 0-0 and hit the .500 mark for the first time in 13 seasons: