
Step 1 To Building A Championship Team, Don't Take Shit From Nerds

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Hey Darren, we aren’t talking about Goats anymore, it’s 2015, the past is the past, not sure you got the memo but shit’s about to get weird on the North Side this summer. Now do us a favor and go stuff yourself in a locker so we don’t have to.





Real Talk – getting P’Owned by a team account has to be the lowest of low. Every team account is so corny, so for the guy who runs the Cubs account to be like, you know what, I’m not taking this shit from Rovell is brutal for D.






I’m pretty sure the friend I co-own season tickets with was just not going to tell me about this Baez signed ball. Gonna be worth a pretty penny when he breaks the all time single season strike out record.

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