
Hey, I'm Gonna Pull My Friend Up The Side Of An Escalator And See What Happens, No Way Something Goes Wrong





Kids, man.  I can’t say I blame them.  You spend enough time in a mall and you’re bound to figure out a way to make it interesting.  I spent WAY too much time at the mall when I was in middle school.  It was actually super fun.  You go play the Xbox 360 at GameStop, sit in the massage chairs by the fountain, maybe you invite some middle school ladies to join you and you treat them to a slice of Sbarro and a breadstick.  At that point in your life it’s actually pretty great.  But what is a person to do when you get bored with wooing young ladies with pieces of pizza?  I guess this is it.  You say, “Hey, let’s pull you up the side of the escalator and see what happens.”  Well, now we know.  It’s super fun at first until you get to the top. It’s like in Willy Wonka when Charlie and his grandpa are having a ball floating around that room until they realize they’re about to get sliced up by a fan.  They burped and farted their way out of trouble. Here?  The kid fell and probably broke his tail bone.