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Here We Have Old School Steve Carell And Stephen Colbert Doing Their Thing In 1994


Is Steve Carell mouthing off as a Wolfman Fabio with Stephen Colbert voicing the best sketch in the world?  Of course not.  I can watch vintage Second City clips all life long.  Here’s a minimal list of comedic talent that has performed at the famous Chicago club:  Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, John Candy, Saul Goodman, John Belushi, Chris Farley, Bill Hader, Tina Fey.  That’s just off the top of my head.  We’re talking legends here.  Your damn right I’d like to watch where they came from.


Another fun tidbit:  Steve Carrell and Stephen Colbert voiced Ace & Gary in SNL’s Ambiguously Gay Duo.  Those things were fucking hilarious.

BONUS: Bob Odenkirk wrote the original Matt Foley sketch at Second City.  Here’s Chris Farley slightly before his fattest and finest: