
Buzz Williams Leaves Team Huddle During Crunch Time Of ACC Tourney Game To Coach Girl For Free Throw Contest

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Got to set the scene for you here real quick.  ACC Tournament.  Round 2. Virginia Tech trails the whole game.  Pulls to within 1 in the second half.  Timeout on the floor, team huddles up.  Time to coach the team up, get them set up for crunch time, implement some plays on offense and some defensive strategies, tell them what do in foul situations?


Nope, time help some random girl win 500 bucks during a free throw competition.



Just Buzz being Buzz.  Haters can hate about it but this is how the dude operates, always has – just loving life and having some fun.  A desire to coach others so strong and fiery that he can’t even focus it on his own team that he’s paid to coach, wanders off sometimes and coaches anyone in the immediate vicinity with whatever they’re doing.

Plus who knows, maybe it was some new tactic he thought up.  Players zone out in those huddles all the time, maybe give em some time to themselves to figure things out?


Didn’t work but whatever, not everything Wooden or Dean did worked every time either.


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