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Happy Passover, Here Are The Most Beautiful Israelis In The World To Help You Celebrate In Isolation

Two months ago I blogged the instagram account of the hottest girls in the Israeli defense force. They're stacked. Since then I've continued my weird obsession with consuming Jewish/Israeli content. "The Hunters", "Plot Against America", and a very underrated movie "Operation Finale" which details the capture of Nazi scumbag Adolf Eichmann in Argentina and the plan to bring him back to face trial in Israel. Anyways, Zuckerberg is on to me. My instagram explore page is just constantly populated with Israeli models and I am not complaining. Pretty comfortable saying that they're the most beautiful natioanality in the world. So gorgeous that even as a Catholic and ordained mininster on Good Friday I am willing to look the other way on the whole Jesus thing. They killed the Savior of the World and God's only son, but I am sure it was just a big misunderstanding. People make mistakes. Anyways, happy Passover to all my Jewish friends. Love you guys. 



