
Watch A Doctor Get Ready For His COVID-19 Shift

I've worn the same hoodie and basketball shorts for the last week straight so maybe this just slaps different for me. But chances are you're no different and your balls are just as stinky. If that's the case then we can both agree that's a lot of layers for gameday. And not to make light of the outbreak, but it's pretty similar to preparing for the 300 level in Soldiers in late December, rubber gloves included. 

At the same time, it's absolutely nothing like getting hammered at a Bears game with the boys. Yes, you're appropriately layered and hopefully you were smart enough to vaseline your face as well. But these doctors are on the forefront of absolute chaos right now. Every time I go to reddit there's a new 18-wheeler posted up outside a New York public hospital with a snapchat caption about the potential body count. Someone said April 30th is the new extension for shutdown. Imagine the effort it's going to take for the IRS getting their shit together. Think of the fact that we just comfortably dropped a couple trillion. Shower your mind with all the fucked up Corona thoughts and then power rank where this doctor's pregame routine is. I got it top 10 because you know you're getting it anyways. Like a revolutionary war soldier standing 20 yards away from the other guy staring down the barrel of a well lubricated musket. 

That's how safe I imagine it is for a nurse or doctor to be administering anything right now. It's basically guaranteed that they're going to get the virus and yet they're doing the job anyways. Some people are even getting on planes and going to NYC to help because it's getting so bad. 

And while we're on the Rex Chapman Awareness Train, here's another helpful infographic from the former 1st round NBA draft pick and slam dunk enthusiast 

Play it safe or get your face fucked by a q-tip. Pretty simple decision when you think about it.