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Two Frat Guys Walk Into Book Store, Ask For Bed Time Stories To Read To Their Frat Brothers, Find Greatest Bedtime Book Ever

This is one of those heartwarming stories that we need during the Coronavirus epidemic. I don't know much about Emily Hughes outside of her Twitter bio, but the San Francisco/North Hampton resident does not have a lot of friends from fraternities:

The same goes for the two UMass frat bros. I don't think they are sending a lot of time in Northampton. However, these two came together in the name of Go the Fuck to Sleep:

I, like the fine members of the UMass fraternity, have not heard of Go the Fuck to Sleep. Here is the description of the book:

SOURCE-Go the F**k to Sleep is a bedtime book for parents who live in the real world, where a few snoozing kitties and cutesy rhymes don’t always send a toddler sailing blissfully off to dreamland. Profane, affectionate, and radically honest, it captures the familiar — and unspoken — tribulations of putting your little angel down for the night. Beautiful, subversive, and pants-wettingly funny, Go the F**k to Sleep is a book for parents new, old, and expectant. You probably should not play this for your children.

Going to have to remind myself of this book when I have kids. 

Here is Samuel L. Jackson reading the book. Pure electricity.