
Hipster Dude With A Typewriter On Metro North

Check out this dude typing away on metro north last night. Car was silent with exception of his tapping. People were furious. Thought was hilarious.

Guy has to be commuting to and from school in Brooklyn right?


Ive seen a lot of ridiculous shit on mass transit. All sorts of breaches of etiquette and asshole behavior. But some hipster doofus pecking away at a goddam typewriter on Metro North might take the cake. Only because of the amount of effort you need to go through in order to do this. Typewriters way like 200 pounds. You gotta get paper and load it in and tap away at the keys with like 10 times the effort of a computer. In a world where there’s laptops and tablets and tabtops and smart phones and all that shit it is patently ridiculous to lug around a piece of technology thats like a hundred years old. It would be like sending morse code instead of using a phone just because you want to be old school. Such a dickhead “look at me!” hipster move, but I cant help laugh at it. The thought of that dude tapping away with zero regard for the rest of the train is such an oblivious asshole move I almost have to respect it.