
We Interviewed A UCF Nut Job For A Summer Internship Yesterday

It's summer internship interview season over at Barstool Sports. Most of the intern hires come via the Viceroy Program, so 50+ college kids will be walking through HQ's doors over the next few weeks. 

I don't know much about the kids interviewing, but sometimes they wonder on over to our desks as they are given a tour by the viceroy managers. I hadn't talked to any of the candidates up until this one fella started talking to Big Tennessee. I chimed into the conversation centered around college football and boy, did I not know what was coming:

Possibly one of the greatest takes of all time. I gave him a little poke to see if he would stay with the take, and I am happy to report that he did, indeed, stick with the take like a young Colin Cowherd. He fully believes that UCF turned Joe Burrow into a Heisman QB thanks to this hit:

Full fledged UCF conspiracy theorist. I have nothing wrong with that. I'm going to call him a dumb-dumb, but I love the passion. We need more of that inside HQ. You can never get enough passion and this kid had it. You could feel it through his voice. 

Do I love that he went to UCF and then transferred to North Florida after a year? Not really, however, I can use that bullet one billion times during college football season. I'm not a "you have to go to the school to root for them" guy, but I know that chirp cuts deep with some, so I will use that bullet when needed. 

The 2 hour 30 minute walk through Brooklyn in 35 degree weather was the wildest part about him. He didn't even have a coat and was from Florida! Complete psychopath. Probably why I liked the kid. 

I have no say in if the kid gets hired. I don't know his resume, but I hope he's here this summer. He deserves it. Just because he walked 2 hours and 30 minutes instead of taking the Subway, which costs him $2.75. I'm still trying to decide if that showed dedication or stupidity. I guess we'll find out soon.