
Wake Up With John Tesh Performing Roundball Rock Because Basketball Is BACK

We did it. We made it through the All Star break in one piece and basketball has officially returned to our lives. Things were looking a little dicey around Tuesday afternoon I can't lie. Shit felt like it was never going to end. Nothing like the stretch run of an NBA season when teams start to give a shit. Now things are starting to get real and the next 4 months are going to be wild. I can't think of a better way to celebrate this momentous occasion than rocking out to maybe the best song ever made. I'm not talking in terms of jingles, I'm talking all music. Any genre. You hear that NBA on NBC theme song and it gets your blood pumping every single time. No chance you're only going to click that video one time. In fact I dare you to resist clicking it twice. I ran through it three separate times before I could even start this blog, it's that infectious. 

And you know what? I'm in such a good mood that basketball is back we're doing bonus videos this morning. What else are you going to do, work like some kind of an idiot. How about you watch every slam dunk champion since 2000 instead