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A Blog About Boxing: A Zillion Reasons To Quit (Week 2)

This week on Barstool Breakfast, the Gentlemen's Friday drink of the week was a Zillion Beers and we were fortunate enough to have Dana B walk us through the logistics of consuming a zillion beer beverages. A feat that deserves a sizable about of attention and appreciation. Before you watch the video below, keep in mind I didn't start drinking until I was 21-years-old (like a nerd). Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of drinking with me, knows I'm more of a Zillion sips kinda guy. But I digress, this is how I chug, Zilly Zilly.

We're all proud of Dana B and his Zillion Beers campaign, but the beer that I chugged in that video jeopardized my future boxing career. After shooting this for Gentlemen's Friday, I went to my 6th boxing class. And honestly, one that felt like it might be my last boxing class. I don't want to say that chugging one beer, or the attempt to, set me back a couple of classes, but my trainer that day asked me "Aye you been drinking today?" halfway through my workout.

I couldn't tell if the attempt at a zillion beers was spewing through my pores, or if my overall poor condition and stamina led to that question. Either way, at that moment, I knew I was too wrapped up in the Dana B, Zillion Beer vortex.

I got a lot of compliments on the workout video I posted in last week's blog about boxing. This week's workout video features me in the second round of a 3-minute exhausting ass exercise. Beware, this video is hard to watch:

Shortly after filming this, my trainer told me to grab some water and asked if I needed to call it a day. I lied and said I was fine. I wasn't. My vision was blurry. I was slightly embarrassed because I knew I was being filmed. But I have to show y'all the good, bad and ugly of this whole process. 

I thought of cutting my boxing journey short twice during that class, but I pushed through until they told me I was done for the day. I was recuperating in the locker room when a different trainer addressed me in an attempt to encourage:


YO BARSTOOL! You from Ohio like the rest of those fools over there!?


No, I'm from Louisville where Muhammad A--


Same shit! Aye, they told me you used to be 300 pounds! How long ago was that?


Ah, right now. I'm 300 pounds right now. I was 310 when I started taking classes last Monday.


Damn, you should consider just taking a break from eating. If you're going to get to 250 by April, you need to just stop eating as much.


Uh, yeah, that's basically what I've been doing to get to 300 now. I got the calorie counting app that use--


Well, don't start eating again! We're going to turn you into a monster.


Yeah, I'm trying to really live this boxing life even after I fight in Rough N' Rowdy so--


That's what all you Barstool mtherfckers say! But I see you in there working hard. Don't quit on us either!


Yeah, you right this training is the hardest hour of training I've ever had so we'll see.


Just keep coming in. We got you, but you gotta stop eating.


Copy that.

During the last blog about boxing, I was talking a big game saying I would go to boxing classes every day this week. Well, I made it to four, which is one more session than last week. I'm taking small, responsible baby steps to knock somebody out. This morning I weighed in at 296, so I've lost 14lbs in 2 weeks taking boxing classes and eating like an injured rabbit. I'm fitting into XXL Barstool Merch better and am weeks away from accessing the "skinny" side of my closet.

I turn 30 today and have been planning/praying to be under 300 bills by my birthday. After reading KB's travel blog on Connecticut, I was inspired to spend my 30th/President's Day weekend in the nutmeg state. I'm a little worried my diet may take a hit with all the Connecticut style lobster rolls I plan to eat this weekend, but I'm bringing a jump rope to keep me in check between meals.

I'm a huge fan of Dana B and the Zillion Beers movement, but for the betterment of my boxer career, I'm probably going to stick to sipping this weekend.

Sip responsibly, my friends.