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Stop Mic'ing Up So Many Pro Athletes And Start Mic'ing Up More Little Kids

For the most part whenever you mic up pro athletes, all you really seem to get is a grown man screaming "LET'S GOOOOOO" a bunch of times. They'll also do that funny little thing where they jokingly mention to a coach or a teammate that they have a mic on and for them to not say anything dumb. I feel like that's how 95% of mic'd up videos start. Every once in a while you'll get some footage that's actually pretty entertaining and valuable. But by and large, mic'd up videos are pretty overrated. 

That's why we need to stop mic'ing up professional athletes and start focusing more on mic'd up footage from youth sports. Because this video here? Well this is how you get an inside look at what greatness sounds like. 55 was born to be a Football Guy. It's in his blood. And there's going to be a day about 13-14 years from now when we see this legend getting his name called at the NFL Draft, and it'll be the least surprising 1st overall pick in the history of the draft. I mean did you see the way he leads out there? He's a leader of men. He's a maker of plays. And he almost had to break his leg to get that one flag. Not only is he a star player, but he's a team player as well. I wouldn't be surprised if Saban is over at his house for dinner tonight with a full scholarship in hand. 

Would be nice if J.J. knew where to go on his own though. Getting a little tired of constantly having to tell him where to be. 
