
Can You Guess How Many Millions This Guy Is Worth Right Now?

You guessed it! Zero millions! Actually, less than zero million dollars. Way, way, way less. And does that matter? Absolutely not. Just wanted to set the record straight because a lot of this seems to be happening today and I didn’t want the family and friends to get any false hopes:

We’ll keep the roundtable ballwashing to a min, but it is a very special time to be at Barstool Sports. I’ve been with this company in some capacity since 2010 (the fact I spelled capacity “Compacaty” three straight times only confirms that fact), and it’s certainly been a wild ride. No, I don’t have equity. Yes, my ride here has been tumultuous at times. But I’m very thankful to be apart of something this special for so long and extremely happy for everyone involved, especially those who are really cashing in. Everyone’s been saying it all day – This isn’t the end, it’s only the beginning. And I am aware I’m forever indebted to Dave Portnoy, and I thank him immensely for everything he’s done. Even old school Barstool Philly guys like Mo, Franco, (Bubbly name redacted), countless helpers/interns, and the ravenous fanbase – I will be forever thankful for what everyone has done for me from the jump. Up till now has been amazing, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Wanna discuss what’s going down? Tell me great job or go to hell I don’t deserve anything? Ask anything about anything LIVE NOW: