
Classic Mix-Up: John Beilein Called The Cavs Players "A Bunch of Thugs", But He Says He Really Meant To Call Them "A Bunch of Slugs"


So the word on John Beilein, who I actually think has done a phenomenal job of getting this team to a Central Division worst 10-27 record, is that he is too hard on the players. That he's treating this like a college team. Well first of all, Cavs, if you want to be treated like an NBA team, play like an NBA team. But second of all, if guys were already drowning out his voice before this, I can't imagine they listen to one word he says after this. 

The NBA is 74.4% African American players.....and we have a 66 year old white coach.....who just called his team "a bunch of thugs".....

And I'm not even saying that Beilein is racist or the thing he said was so terrible that he needs to be crucified and exiled like he's going to be, but it's 2020 Johnny. You can't call black people thugs. Especially black people that are 6'9 250 pounds like Tristan Thompson is. I can just picture Kevin Love and Matthew Dellavedova sitting in the back of this meeting:

But thankfully, for everyone involved, it appears that this was just one big misunderstanding. John Beilein has cleared the air. He didn't mean to say thugs, he meant to say slugs!

I mean, you have to tip your hat to John Beilein here. This is an all-time spin zone. I would say the most common route after calling a room full of African Americans a bunch of thugs would be to profusely apologize and accept any repercussions, just hoping you keep your job / the players don't kill you. But for John Beilein to run with the thug / slug almost have to respect how dumb he is.

I'm not sure that in the history of the game of basketball, since Dr. James Naismith invented the sport in 1891, has any coach ever said "you're playing like a bunch of slugs". Ever. I love the spin zone, but I don't think it holds up. Maybe if he said this to Fat Kevin Love back in 2014, but to a room full of black people in 2020, I'd be surprised if John Beilein has a job by lunchtime.