
You Don’t Fuck With The Pope

Jesus Christ lady save some for the rest of us and act like you’ve been there before. That’s the Pope not a Backstreet Boy. You don’t swarm the Pope you just stand there respectfully with 9 million other Europeans and show some goddamn respect. Speaking of which are you allowed to bring a cooler and a lawn chair when the Pope comes to town? Dude knows how to draw a crowd but you gotta wonder what his ground rules are. Is it like waiting for an iPhone where you can camp out and light candles but everyone is generally well behaved. Or is it like Black Wednesday at a Walmart in rural West Virginia where you bring a shovel and fight to the death? Or is it like tailgating where you bring some food and booze and make friends? I’m fascinated with the Pope scene and eager to learn more. For now all I know is you don’t rub johnnies with the guy when you’re a textbook peasant. Ain’t no Pope got time for that bullshit.