
Alexander Volkanovski Dethrones Max Holloway As UFC Featherweight Champion

For the first time in 925 days, we have a NEW UFC Featherweight Champion, ladies and gentlemen. It still feels strange to type, because I've gotten so used to Max Holloway at the top of that mountain, and I love Max Holloway, but Alexander Volkanovski just dethroned him of his title at UFC 245 in one of the highest level matchups we've ever seen.

Volkanovski's gameplan of chopping down the lead leg of Holloway worked flawlessly and really hindered Max's ability to fight in his traditional stance. Towards the end of the fight, as the champ was entering desperation mode, it seemed like he kinda just said "Fuck it" and fought through the pain, but his leg looked like a hunk of raw meat and the damage was already done. From the kicks, to picture perfect counter hooks, to the tasty combinations he threw together, Volkanovski really did fight a championship caliber fight, and I do think he did enough to earn that title, but I'm already looking forward to the rematch. 


I know Holloway is as well...