
Elon Musk Is Finally Headed To Defamation Court For That One Time He Called A British Diver A Pedophile For No Reason

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New York (CNN Business) Elon Musk is going to court for tweeting "pedo guy." The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX will testify this week in a defamation suit brought against him by Vernon Unsworth, a British man who helped with the rescue of 12 boys and their soccer coach from a flooding Thai cave in July 2018. Unsworth is suing Musk for accusing him of being a pedophile and is seeking punitive and compensatory damages. The trial begins on Tuesday at a federal court in Los Angeles and will presumably reveal more information about the tweets, the Thai cave rescue and Musk's life. Musk and Unsworth are both expected to testify, their respective lawyers told CNN Business. In October, US District Judge Stephen Wilson rejected Musk's attempts to dismiss the lawsuit. Wilson also ruled against classifying Unsworth as a public figure, which now makes defamation easier to prove.

What began as a public spat on Twitter transformed into a much larger problem for Musk. The 48-year-old billionaire had doubled down on the claim against Unsworth on Twitter and in an exchange with a BuzzFeed News reporter Ryan Mac. This lawsuit is far from Musk's first controversy stemmed by his Twitter behavior. In September 2018, Musk agreed to a settlement with the US Securities and Exchange Commission after he tweeted "funding secured" for taking Tesla private.

Okay I'll make this very simple for all the people who still think Elon Musk is God's gift to Earth and the most brilliant mind to ever exist. You wanna know how I know Elon Musk is the worst CEO in the world? Because no other CEO has to take time outta their busy schedule to go to defamation court for calling a British diver, who was trying to help 12 soccer kids out of a cave in Thailand, a pedophile for no reason. Only the great and powerful Elon Musk has that type of thing penciled into his schedule because he's a MORON. We still have no real explanation as to why Elon called the dude a pedophile, and at one point Elon doubled down on the claim…….again with no evidence to support it.

The fact that the Tesla board of directors still looks at Elon Musk and are like, "Yep. This is the sound mind we want running this GIGANTIC company" is stunning. I get that he's a genius when it comes to some innovations in technology but the dude has basically written the book on how to be a terrible CEO. Everything he does causes Tesla stock to plunge like a stone. He stinks at being the guy who handles the day-to-day business decisions of a business. STINKS. This defamation case for CALLING A GUY A PEDOPHILE WHO IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM IS A PEDOPHILE is just the latest example.

I don't know what the maximum punishment is for so but I hope the judge throws the book at Elon if for no other reason then letting him know he's an idiot, he's not invincible and he can't randomly call people pedophiles with zero evidence.